Thursday, November 12, 2009

bad day

Today is so so so.....angry about TARxxxxxxx the 3xsh office ...hate hate!!!stupid worker at there !!!!!today my f got problem.i wery sad about that.y become like that our f .........because just the "money"........everything are changed .........i hate that ....we are the best f but now we are personal enemy.....i cant do anything ....because i small&cant give any help.......dun disturb me......i dun wan to see them ........i dun how to say to is important? important until throw the sad about them doing........selffish you everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!i wan in self-fish for my future.........and take my mun @father......

for sister..i cant help u or explain to them ,but i will always beside back your home worry.......

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

my life
